Suggestions on how to cope on Mother's Day

Mother's Day

For those struggling with fertility, Mother's Day can be a painful reminder of what they do not yet have. We would like to offer some suggestions on how to emotionally prepare for Mother's Day.

1. Acknowledge your feelings. You are entitled to these feelings and sharing them with your support network may help you feel some relief during this difficult time.

2. Practice self-compassion and be kind to yourself by doing some things you really enjoy, such as going for a walk, attending a yoga class or catching up with a friend.

3. Avoid busy public areas, such as malls, and social media which will only emphasise the day further.

4. Use this day to celebrate your own mother, grandmother, or other significant women in your life.

5. Express your appreciation to your friends and family who have supported you through the year. Acknowledging your support system might serve as a reminder that you are not alone.

We hope that these tips are helpful, but if you find yourself in need of some additional support, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our counsellors by calling 9382 2388.

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