Self-care Tips for the Festive Season

The festive season can be a challenging time for some people, particularly if you are struggling to have a baby, as the calendar gets filled with social events with extended family and friends who sometimes tend to pry into your personal life. And while it is meant to be a time filled with happiness and gratitude, it may often be approached with a lot of trepidation.

Here are a few helpful tips on how to enter the festive season feeling mentally prepared.

1. Prepare a response to any questions or comments around starting a family. In doing so, you will feel emotionally confident and equipped to address the situation.
2. Remember to practice self-care. The holidays are often associated with over-indulgence coupled with little structure as social calendars fill up and routines get neglected. While it is important to fit in some fun, try to maintain some form of routine so that you are still able fit in some exercise, adequate sleep and a moderately healthy diet.
3. Take time out for you. The festive season can be a frantic time filled with lots of social commitments, leaving little 'me' time. Remember that its ok to politely decline invitations if you are not feeling up to it. Prioritise yourself and make time for the things you enjoy doing such as going for a walk, treating yourself to a massage or going to the beach.
4. Practice gratitude. While it may feel easier to focus on what you don't have, try to remind yourself of everything you do have that adds value to your life by keeping a gratitude journal

We hope that these tips are helpful, but if you find yourself in need of some additional support, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us by calling 9382 2388.

A friendly reminder that our opening hours over the festive season are 8am - 4pm.

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